Pymaceuticals Inc., a burgeoning pharmaceutical company based out of San Diego, specializes in anti-cancer pharmaceuticals. In its most recent efforts, it began screening for potential treatments for squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), a commonly occurring form of skin cancer.
In this study, 249 mice identified with SCC tumor growth were treated through a variety of drug regimens. Over the course of 45 days, tumor development was observed and measured. The purpose of this study was to compare the performance of Pymaceuticals’ drug of interest, Capomulin, versus the other treatment regimens. Below are the results from this study.
Ten drug regimens were compared in this study, including placebo. They were: Capomulin, Ceftamin, Infubinol, Ketapril, Naftisol, Placebo, Propiva, Ramicane, Stelasyn, and Zoniferol. For easy comparison, below you can see a table with the mean, median, variance, standard deviation, and standard error of mean of the tumor volume for each drug regimen.
To view the analysis, go to PymaceuticalsAnalysis github repository. (Click on PymaceuticalsAnalysis)